Our Mission
Helping those in need in Clackamas County
The Father’s Heart Street Ministry is a Resource Center at 603 12th Street in Oregon City. Our goal is to help men and women find a safe refuge from homelessness, hunger and addiction. We are a faith based organization founded in 1999 that provides daily services and meals to men and women. While we are anchored in our faith, we are non-denominational, all are welcome to services regardless of religious conviction, if any.
Find out how you can help:
Monday – Friday, 9am – 2pm
12th St. Curbside Doors
Thank you for thinking of us! Your financial and item donations make it possible to meet the immediate needs of those living without shelter in Clackamas county. Below is a list of ways to donate:
FINANCIAL – We are a 501 (c ) 3 non profit. We rely on the financial support of our donors to cover our operating expenses. The work we do is vital to the entire community, housed and unhoused. With your support, we are able to provide a safe and peaceful place for people to rest. This gives us the ability to build relationship and trust. Once a guest knows that we genuinely care about them, a host of possibilities and opportunities begin to unfold.
CLOTHING – Wearing clean clothing lifts a person’s spirit by removing the shame that comes with wearing dirty clothing. Your clothing donation has a great impact on our guests that come to receive services. Clothing donations that are gently used, laundered or new are gladly received at donation station inside the building. Our most needed clothing items are: men’s and women’s underwear sizes Sm and Med. men’s and women’s jeans and shoes. Please do not leave donations outside on the property or in doorways after hours.
GENERAL ITEMS – Tarps, sleeping bags and adult sized backpacks are essential.
HYGIENE ITEMS – Travel sized soaps, shampoos, conditioner and antiperspirants are perfect size to carry in a back pack or use for our shower program.
FOOD – We have a guest pantry that supplies individual food items for our guest to eat when TFH is not operating. The types of food donations that serve our guest best are food items that they can eat with little to no preparation. These items would be: canned meat, fruits or vegetables, canned hearty soups, Cup O Noodles and Top Ramen.
KITCHEN – We rely on donations of paper bowls, heavy duty paper plates or 9×9 take out containers to serve our provided meals. Soup bowls, plastic ware, 16oz paper coffee cups, 16oz cold beverage cups, and napkins are also necessary to provide the very best for our guests.
BREAKFAST – Coffee, coffee creamer, stir sticks, sugar, hot chocolate and cereal are other items we need on a regular basis. These items are essential for opening our doors in the morning to our guests that have endured a difficult night. Coming inside to a cup of coffee and breakfast offered with the warmth and smiles of our volunteers is a start to a better day.
IMMEDIATE NEEDS – Check out our Immediate Needs list that is posted weekly with updates of specific needs of clothing, food or items. Click on READ MORE to view the entire list.
Stories of Housing – Rachel
Our Founder
Our Founder, Teri Gant, came from a background of poverty, dysfunction, low self worth, low self esteem, depression and abuse. She accepted Jesus into her life and heart at the age of 24, but continued to battle with depression for years.
After completely surrendering her life to the Lord, in a deeper way than ever before, the Lord touched her life in a powerful way. Completely healing her in her body, spirit, mind and emotions. After spending a year seeking His face, in a place of complete surrender and intimacy, The Father’s Heart was birthed, and the Lord set her feet firmly in the direction of touching and serving other hurting and depressed people.
Want to join the team?
There are lots of ways to get involved.
603 12th St.
Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Get Directions
Monday-Friday 9:00am-2:00pm
Guest Services 9:00am - 2:00pm
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The Father's Heart Street Ministry is a 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID 65-1224857
Site by SHD